Monday, July 30, 2007


Wow! Before I know it, summer will be done! Other than hay, swimming and baseball, it seems as nothing much has happened. I can't decide it that's good or bad! The peacefulness of summertime is great, but there certainly has not been too much happening in the excitement department here on the farm.
I guess that's good. For the last few years, the things that caused a stir haven't been happy ones. Last year my husband's mother passed away. The year before it was his sister and the year before that his sister's husband. So this summer there has been no bad news, and not much in terms of any news. I guess that's where the saying "No news is good news" comes from.
The girls have gone away to my cousin's place for a few days and they were happy to get a change of scenery. I seem to forget that for them, they want some adventure and some excitement in their summer. I like the slower pace of no school, no homework and no lunches to pack!
But I know that by the time September rolls around, I will be glad to get back in to that routine again.
I am glad that the summer has been so "uneventful"! Soon enough it will be over!

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